Thursday, February 3, 2011


Welcome to Gilliauna's Bit's and Bead's!
Stunning, beaded, high quality Creations. 

Inspired by a rainbow of colors
her Artisan handmade Jewelry really stands out.
The language of Color enhances our lives. 
Located in Seattle, WA and Vancouver, BC
beautiful locals for living and creating... 

Love her Etsy shop,
I've chosen  just a few
of her pieces to highlight.

 Gorgeous tactile red earrings wrapped in silver .

Stand out Vintage beaded necklace


Beautifier Tigers eye gemstone cuff

Elegant pearl eyeglass chain.

Lovely ID badge, Lanyard.

What a talent !
Gilliauna will make custom pieces
and is now offering Lay a way.

Please take the time to enjoy her Etsy 
shop and read her spectacular blog...

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