Sunday, February 5, 2012

Art Of the Day!

Trees Cloud

Mitch Dobrowner is from Long Island, his
work is reminiscent of Ansel Adams.
Please take a look at the rest of his awesome work at:

Saturday, January 21, 2012


A young artist on the go...


Amy Skackleton is a Canadian born Artist,
her unique use of water and buildings 
is so intriguing. Amy's web site explains
how she takes photos on her many travels,
 she than layers them on Photoshop
and ultimately reproduces them with acrylic on canvas.

Love Her...
Please check out the rest of her fine work at:

Friday, January 20, 2012

The old train station... 
by als

Hearing the train whistle early this morning brought me right back
to my early years visiting my grandparents in Ohio.
Lying in bed all snuggy and warm, the night trains would
go by on the tracks not far from their home...
A wonderful Sound memory!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

May you have a brilliant New Year!

New Year's Eve 2011
Looking up in the night sky I saw my first falling star...
It filled me with awe and hope.
This year holds wondrous
things for us all...

Auld Lang Syne
is a Scots poem written in 1788 by Robert Burns.
It's widely used not only for the New Year but
for any endings and new beginnings.

One of my favorite renditions is by Kenny G.

Was a very bittersweet year in many respects.
My lovely daughter Jessica married Stephan Flaherty in May.

Our 89 year old Mother Margie passed away in June.
My husband and I are caring for my 92 year old father
with pleasure.

We miss her so.